The Daily Gamecock

Zero campaign violations reported so far

Currently, there are no Student Government campaign violations for this election. This comes in stark contrast to last year, when there were at least 10 violations filed against candidates.

Elections Commissioner Monty Vallabhapuram joined Student Government this year with the goal of avoiding what happened last year when Student Body President Michael Parks faced a hearing for a solicitation violation and voting fraud violation that was given to his campaign.

“The whole fiasco that happened with Michael Parks last year, that threw the grenade in the tunnel. The people saw what was happening,” Vallabhapuram said.

Attorney General Cory Alpert felt this was a huge achievement for Student Government.

“I think that’s a massive step. That means that candidates understand the rules. Candidates understand that being collegial is also very important and that’s really come through. We’re very, very, very excited about that,” Alpert said.

Vallabhapuram credits the success to the commission’s efforts to communicate strict policies and guidelines as well as encourage candidates to discuss potential violations with each other.

“This allows for a minimization of past precedent for filing violations in attempt to disqualify other candidates,” Vallabhapuram said.

The Elections Commissioner confirmed there have been past years with zero violations, but many thought there would be a greater number this year because of the use of a ticket and the record number of senate candidates.


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