If there is one overarching theme apparent in the GOP, it is reliance on Christian values. Whether or not Republican politicians follow or believe what they teach, they often talk about preserving Christian morals, ethics and family values in the American political system. After the controversy of the Parkland school shooting and heightened gun control debate, one question remains: What is the Christian belief behind gun control?
There is one clear answer to me that can be supported with the Bible — Christians affirm that around 2,000 years ago, Jesus came as a savior to all humans and went around teaching the Gospel. The Gospel is the good news of salvation and the guidelines for being a Christian. Those guidelines include acts of love, faith, patience and meekness that are repeated and emphasized throughout the New Testament.
Another highly emphasized Biblical value is peace. The word "peace" is mentioned in the King James version of the Bible 470 times. Jesus exemplified peace so much so that while being persecuted and arrested by the Romans who eventually crucified him, he scolded one of his followers who tried to fight off the persecutors. This exchange is detailed in Matthew chapter 26, verses 47-51.
The counterargument to the focal principal of peace in this passage is that Jesus only reprimanded his follower for pulling his sword because Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy of crucifixion. However, we know that Jesus truly cared about pacification in Matthew 5:38-42. The passage famously says, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.”
With all of this evidence abundantly available in the Bible, the justification for guns by the GOP is not only hypocritical but also baseless. The argument of increasing the prevalence of guns for protection against crazy shooters is so illogical by Christian standards and even more so by common sense. The recent statements made by President Trump that teachers should be trained and armed is probably the most thoughtless argument. The NRA backed this with a wild speech from its leader, Wayne LaPierre, who said we should "harden" schools with guns and that the Parkland students are pawns of the media.
Conservatives are placing their faith in a solution that calls for more guns right when we thought the solution was clear. When both sides are armed, the only outcome is conflict and additional casualties. The true solution to gun violence is erasure of the weapon. From a Biblical standpoint, one could see how Jesus would look down on the tactic of fighting against gun violence with more guns.