The Daily Gamecock

The Daily Gamecock's Social Media Policy

The Daily Gamecock strives to bring news to readers whenever possible. Though it may not be in print, staff members should use social media as a reporting tool. Twitter handles will be printed under each byline in print, but should a staff member wish to not display their handle, @thegamecock may be alternately used. Each reporting section may set its own standards regarding whether or not accounts are required.

  • If associated with the The Daily Gamecock, posts are reflective of not only the staff member, but the entire Daily Gamecock staff and publication. Consider this before posting, and refrain from posting anything that would be inappropriate to be published. This includes, but is not limited to, profanity and criticism of the work of fellow staff members.
  • Staff members should identify themselves as part of The Daily Gamecock staff in the appropriate biography or work-related section of any profiles.
  • If a profile is associated with The Daily Gamecock, the user must use their real name, as not to misrepresent themselves to readers, sources and followers. 
  • Engage with followers on social media appropriately. Further questions regarding this relationship can be directed to section editors or the editor in chief. 
  • If interacting with a source on social media, make them aware of the connection to The Daily Gamecock. 
  • When covering elections of any sort, profiles belonging to identified staff members of The Daily Gamecock should remain neutral when it comes to the candidates. Furthermore, if covering an election, staff members should follow all candidates in the interest of remaining neutral. 
  • Staff members should promote The Daily Gamecock on social media during recruitment periods.

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