The Daily Gamecock

From Game to Cock: Drake cancels tour dates, Whitney Houston refuses to wear seat belt

The Mix's breakdown of everything you need to know about this week in arts and entertainment

Drake cancels tour, pushes back album release

Last name Tour, first name Canceled. Like a sprained ankle, Drake currently has no mobility.

Big Boi takes plea deal, avoids prison on felony drug charges

Fingers crossed that he announces an anti-drug campaign in Atlanta schools called "So Fresh 'n' So Clean" as a part of his community service.

Netflix cans the Qwikster idea, keeps streaming and DVDs together

All right! This is almost enough to make people forget about the rate increases! Wait ... it isn't.

Whitney Houston refuses to wear seat belt on plane, makes scene

It reminded her too much of being strapped in at the insane asy– ... rehab. It reminded her too much of rehab.

Actor who played Crabbe in "Harry Potter" arrested for homemade explosive

Oh yeah, that dude is definitely Slytherin material.

Ted Koppel to join NBC anchor Brian Williams' new show "Rock Center"

If this turns out to be a news program and not an epic guitar battle between famous talking heads, we will be sorely disappointed.

The CW inks deal with Netflix, makes network profitable for first time

Never would have guessed it was struggling, what with the high-quality programming it offers and all.
