The Daily Gamecock

'Dating Game' entertains Russell House on Valentine's Day

Singles win dates with mock game show participants

Blind love was in the air of the Russell House Ballroom on Tuesday night as willing singles participated in an event modeled after the 1970s “Dating Game” in light of Valentine’s Day.

The bachelors and bachelorettes were completely unknown to each other when the games began. The bachelor or bachelorette was on one side of a black screen while contestants sat on the other side. The bachelor asked the contestants questions, such as: What is the best concert you have ever been to? Describe your favorite pajamas. Can you fake any accents? The answers from the contestants varied from Sarah Palin accents to describing how they fold their toilet paper into the shape of origami. After a series of questions, the bachelor or bachelorette presented his or her chosen date with a rose. The couple was then given a gift card to a local restaurant for their date.

The audience roared with laughter at the questions that were asked and the answers given. Between rounds, the audience members were included in the games, as raffle tickets were drawn and gift cards were given away to various restaurants for their Valentine’s date.

Participants were chosen from a group of students who had heard about the event through friends, posters around campus or posts on the Freshman Council Facebook and Twitter pages. Potential bachelors and bachelorettes filled out a short application, which asked for five things that described them. Then, chosen applicants were given a short personality test to become an eligible contestant. In total, there were two bachelorettes and three bachelors who competed in the games.

Colleen Ryan, a third-year public relations student, was chosen as a bachelorette for the faux game show.

“I was a little nervous but excited to participate tonight,” Ryan said. “It’s a fun thing to do on Valentine’s Day. I am single, so why not?”

Ryan got to ask the questions to the contestants and then choose which one she wanted to go on a date with. Her questions included “What is the best date you could take me on with your CarolinaCard?” and “If you were a professional athlete, which sport would you play?”

The social committee in Freshman Council originally held this event to bring freshmen together, but participation extended beyond first-year students; almost every class was represented as contestants or audience members. Freshman Council is a leadership organization that bridges the gap between freshmen to enhance their experience here at USC.


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