The Daily Gamecock

USC's Honors College ranks No. 1

New evaluation places university's program atop nation's best

The South Carolina Honors College has been ranked No. 1 by “A Review of 50 Public University Honors Programs,” the first-ever ranking of honors colleges, according to Honors College Dean Steve Lynn.

“I think we have thought we were really good, but it’s very nice to have that confirmed by somebody else,” Lynn said. “I think the reputation of the Honors College has been high, but to have somebody actually make a list and put us at the top of it is really gratifying.”

Lynn said that John Willingham, who is in charge of the review, started ranking programs months ago. He began with a list of the nation’s top universities that had honors colleges, and he visited USC during the review process. Lynn said the university found out last Friday that its honors college will top the list.

The rankings will be released in an e-publication guide that will cost $7.99; it will provide both statistical and narrative information about honors colleges, according to the guide’s website.

Lynn said the Honors College curriculum touts a number of unique and strong courses and has benefitted from support from the university.

“We have such an amazing number of courses, and really, we have had such tremendous support from the upper administration for many years — and good leadership too,” he said.


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