The Daily Gamecock

GOP rejected over fundamentals

Party message out of touch; members clueless


Two weeks have passed since Election Day. Two weeks have been spent analyzing the numbers, dissecting why the president won and why the Republican Party lost handily. The Republicans have had two weeks to begin thinking of what their new direction should be after a solid rejection by America. Instead, they’ve apparently decided to double-down on insanity.

Mitt Romney, apparently blind to how badly his self-inflicted “uncaring rich man” appearance hurt him, decided to continue the theme after his crushing loss. “The president’s campaign, if you will, focused on giving targeted groups a big gift. He made a big effort on small things,” he said. 

Here’s a little hint for Republicans out there: These weren’t small things. Women don’t like being treated like baby factories. Latinos don’t like being targeted by police because of the color of their skin. Homosexuals don’t like being denied the same rights everyone else has. Minorities especially don’t like it when the “Good Ol’ Boy” Party decides to try winning by disenfranchising hundreds of thousands.

Here’s another hint: If the only way you can win is to keep people from voting, your ideas are terrible.

It’s obvious Republicans don’t get it. The middle class is tired of seeing rich men complaining about their supposedly high taxes, and yet the House leadership continues to fight for millionaires to keep a few more percentage points in taxes.

These are the same “job creators” threatening to cut jobs and hours because President Barack Obama was re-elected. A pizza chain owner living in a castle and giving away 2 million free pizzas can’t stand the idea of giving his employees a living wage or decent health care.

Corporate profits are at record levels while income disparity is at an all-time high. America is falling behind in the world because the Republicans have spent the last 30 years dismantling the power of the government to better the lives of its citizens. People are finally starting to wake up to the reality.

Except for the Republicans, of course. On election night, Bill O’Reilly bemoaned the death of the “white establishment.”  But America is not a country only for white, Christian, straight, rich men. America is a country for everyone. We are not weaker because of our multiculturalism. We are stronger for it.

After the election, petitions began to circulate asking for secession; like petulant little children, a large host of racist, ignorant Republicans decided they loved America so much they just had to leave it.

Good riddance. If Republican policies were so great, traditionally red states wouldn’t need to be propped up by the federal government. But if that’s what Republicans want so much, then feel free to leave.

The rest of us need to get back to work moving forward.


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