The Daily Gamecock

Greater Good encourages nonprofit jobs

The Greater Good educated around 50 students on the availability and opportunities of jobs in the nonprofit sector.

For the event, USC Community Service Programs, Student United Way, Capstone House and other volunteer organizations were brought together to speak on their experiences with nonprofit organizations and how many great networking and career opportunities arose while volunteering.

Kyron Whitfield, a third-year business and marketing student, created the event for people who want to make helping others their full-time job, not just a weekend hobby.

“Last year I noticed some of my friends wanted to get involved with Peace Corps, Teach for America and things like that,” Whitfield said. “But we don’t focus on things like that at all in the classroom. We don’t talk about nonprofit businesses very much.” 

Just like in any business, though, it’s about who you know, not just what you know. It is important to get out there, become involved and be willing to speak to anyone, according to USC Career Center Coordinator Celia Carroll.

“Networking and conversation is key,” Carroll said. “Someone like me, I can go up to a brick wall and have a fantastic conversation.”


­— Compiled by Caroline Baity, 

Assistant News Editor


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