Whether it’s for a good laugh, a vent session, a pick-up game or plans on Saturday night, having different kinds of friends makes life more fun and more bearable. If you’re a freshmen looking to find some buddies, a sophomore whose friends have disappeared to other parts of campus, a junior trying to widen your social circle or a senior living it up your last year, having many types of people in your life guarantees different opportunities to branch out and grow as a person.
Miss Universe
She’s not the pageant queen; she’s just that girl that seems to know everyone. She’s involved in Student Government, she’s overall director of Dance Marathon and she’s a member of the Skydiving Club and Fashion Board. She knows people from all walks of life and every different niche. Walking with her across campus is a flurry of introductions and somehow she remembers everyone’s name. Using this to your advantage, ask her if you can accompany her to one of her many meetings. Maybe she will introduce you to more potential friends, or maybe she will get you involved in a new hobby or passion. Either way, with this girl as a friend, you may just meet someone who knows someone who can help you when you’re no longer on campus, and that is a definite perk.
The Sports Aficionado
In most circumstances it is not necessary to know what the score was of the first-ever meeting between UGA and USC. But there is a guy that knows that, and you can bet he is an asset on trivia night. Having a friend who knows the ups and downs on every court or field is useful whether you are into sports or not. He can explain that last play (the one you missed while going to the bathroom) in great detail, he can explain the dynamics of an indirect kick and he even knows Jadeveon Clowney’s favorite color (in case you ever needed to know that). He gets so into the game it’s infectious, and his fierce spirit rubs off on everyone around him; you might even get up at 8 a.m. on a Saturday for a football game. He probably even knows some of the players personally, and if he doesn’t, you’ll feel like he does anyway since he knows what flavor ice cream they prefer. Then you can win that Bojangles giveaway at the basketball games.
The Cheerleader
Pom-poms not included, this chick will get you into gear. If you mention you want to work out more, study harder or talk to that girl in your chemistry class (Hey girl, do you have 11 protons? Because you are sodium fine), she will make sure you do just that. She is so confident in you that even on the cloudiest of days she will have you feeling like a million bucks. She will even set up a study session with you or give you that wake-up call before your morning run. Her positivity will help you see your strengths and work on the areas where you aren’t so secure. Her peppiness will energize your efforts. This girl will keep you in check and help you reach your goals. What better friend could you have?
Jokes McGee
When the going gets tough, you need a good laugh. That’s when it’s good to have a goof ball in your circle. He’s that person who is hardly ever serious, who can make even studying a good time. So when you are stressing over midterms or sweating over your study guide, take a break (even at 3 in the morning) and hit up that friend for a jaunt to Waffle House. Over the All-Star Special, your friend will ease your anxiety with a few laughs and pump you back up. This person will help you laugh at your own frustration, your own calamity and the way your professor’s face looks when he can’t remember what he was going to say.
While you’re searching for your own friends like these, do not forget to be a good friend yourself. You don’t make it through college alone. It’s a good thing to have these people by your side, so make sure you are someone they would want by theirs.