Nearly 450 run, 100 volunteer at race
USC Dance Marathon raised money for Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital, Columbia’s Children’s Miracle Network Hospital and the only free-standing children’s hospital in the state, with its fourth annual FT5K at Blatt P.E. Center Sunday afternoon.
The total amount of money raised will not be known until Dance Marathon receives the final number from Strictly Running, through which most racers registered and paid.
The race kicked off Homecoming Week, and many volunteers and runners sported stars and stripes to represent the Homecoming theme, “The United States of Carolina.” Homecoming participants also received points for their organizations by taking part in the event.
About 100 students volunteered, and 441 runners participated, nearly doubling last year’s turnout, according to organizers. Four “Miracle Children,” who are former patients at the Children’s Hospital, attended the event along with their families.
“Our kids would not be here without that hospital, so it’s really important to us,” said Carrie Schelling, whose children, David and Kate, are both Miracle Children.
Dance Marathon morale captains led participants in an enthusiastic chant of “FTK” at the starting line, and runners were led down the first stretch on Wheat Street by Cocky and four Miracle Children.
“The kids are incredible — their joy, how excited they are to be here — they make everything worth it,” said Miller Hane, a third-year international business and finance student, who serves as Dance Marathon’s recruitment coordinator.
Dance Marathon Overall Director Taylor Dietrich said she hopes the success of Sunday’s race foreshadows a great turnout for the organization’s main event in March. Dance Marathon’s 24-hour dance party will also benefit Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital. Many runners said they are already looking forward to participating.
“I want to show my support any way I can, and the run was good practice for staying on my feet 24 hours,” said Maggie Reade, a second-year international studies student.
In hosting this week’s race and planning March’s huge event, Dance Marathon team members said they have tried to maintain focus on the organization’s true goal.
“One phrase we often use is that ‘We stand for kids who can’t.’ Participating in the FT5K is just another way to show our support for the Miracle Kids at the hospital and go the extra mile to make a difference,” said Leslie Knight, a third-year public relations student and the press relations director for Dance Marathon.
Miracle Families’ participation in Dance Marathon events is meant to remind students that they are truly making a difference, Schelling said.
“I just want to say a big thank you to USC students for everything they do,” Schelling said. “The money they raise helps support music therapy, dog visits — everything that makes the experience more comfortable.”