— An officer was dispatched to Columbia Hall late on the night of Nov. 15 in reference to a drunk man missing a shoe. The officer found the man hiding by a dumpster near the residence hall. When the officer tried to make contact with the man, he ran off toward Pendleton Street. The officer chased the man into the back yard of a home, where the man was crawling on the ground behind some bushes, trying to hide. The officer took out his taser and ordered the man to come out with his hands up. The man was then handcuffed. He smelled of alcohol, had slurred speech and was unsteady on his feet. The man told the officer he was 19 and had drank 16 beers that day. He was cited for possessing beer underage and trespassing before being transported to the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center.
— An officer saw a man with his belt undone on National Guard Road late on the night of Nov. 16. The man returned to a group of people when he noticed the officer. The officer approached him, and the man asked the officer why he was speaking to him. The man was attempting to fasten his belt while the officer spoke to him. The officer asked him to tell the truth, and the man said he was “just fixing his belt.” However, the officer could “clearly see” that the man had urinated where he had been standing. The man was arrested for public disorderly conduct and having an ID that was not his, which was found upon a search.
— An officer was dispatched to the Blatt P.E. Center in reference to a suspicious man putting down a bicycle early on Nov. 17. The officer found the man and asked for his information. The man became “evasive” and said he was OK. When the officer asked for the man’s information again, the man took an “aggressive stance” and mumbled what the officer took to be threats. The officer called for backup, and when the man heard this, he told the officer “You had better.” The officer told the man to back away and drew his taser. The man tried to swing his hand at the taser and the officer tased him. The man fell to the ground, hitting his left temple on the ground. The man was “not able to comply” with the officer’s orders to roll onto his stomach and put his hands behind his back, so the officer and his backup rolled the man over and handcuffed him. The man was taken to the emergency room before being transported to Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center. The man was charged with trespassing and assault and battery.
— Amanda Coyne, News Editor
Briefs don’t include every incident from the last week, and suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Information could change as investigations continue.