The Daily Gamecock

Letter to the Editor: New Year's Resolutions should focus on community

Service worthwhile method of spending time, energy

Students should think beyond themselves when making New Year’s resolutions.

It’s that wonderful time of the year again — that time of the year when people vow to make lasting changes in their lives, to stop bad habits and to start good ones; it’s that time of year that usually lasts a glorious two weeks or, for the strong willed, a month.

It’s New Year’s resolution time.

Every year when New Year’s Day rolls around, people brainstorm all sorts of ways to improve their lives. While self-improvement is a very worthy endeavor and something that everyone should continue to work at, it still seems a little selfish to focus entirely on yourself, especially after a season dedicated to helping and appreciating others.

My challenge to you this year: Keep your gym resolution. Stick to your goal to be more money-conscious. Keep improving yourself, but please keep others in mind.

USC offers its students, staff and faculty seemingly endless service opportunities. Service Saturdays, Cocky’s Reading Express, Carolina Service Council, Dance Marathon and Relay for Life are just the beginning of an extensive list of opportunities.

For an easy and fun way to make a difference, consider signing up for Relay for Life by joining an existing team or starting your own with friends. USC Relay for Life is the university’s largest student-run philanthropy and the nation’s fastest growing collegiate relay.

It can be as big or as little of a time commitment as you make it and all money raised goes straight to the American Cancer Society to fund cancer research and patient services.
We all know someone who has been touched by cancer, and this year, Gamecocks will be coming together to fight the battle.

Service isn’t a chore. Find a cause that you are passionate about, and you will not only be helping others, but you will also be helping yourself.

You will meet new people, develop new skills, discover new passions and feel great while doing it.

Community service will give you the same productive feeling as going to the gym, without the sweaty T-shirt smell.
