Between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Wednesday, students crowded Greene Street to grab flyers, cups, buttons and pens and learn more about the plethora of organizations at USC.
Music played from every corner of Greene Street, as Swype performed their original choreography for nearby students.
“We like to collaborate with other organizations,” said Phu Nguyen, fourth-year public health student and president of Swype.
Nguyen’s team participates in Spurs and Struts and the Tiger Burn and has an event every year in the Russell House ballroom; they also hope to participate in Dance Marathon this year.
New organizations, like Carolina Rotaract and Acroyoga, also took to Greene Street on Wednesday to raise awareness about what their organizations have to offer.
Carolina Rotaract began a year and a half ago and is now building up popularity as a local service group.
“We volunteer at local soup kitchens, at the state fair and even did an international book drive to help a school in Paris, France, this past semester,” first-year public relations student Kaity Edelmann said.
Acroyoga is new to campus this year. At their biweekly meetings, the group practices a mixture of acrobatics and yoga on the horseshoe.
There are currently about 15 members in the group, and they are hoping to expand in the coming semesters.
“Eventually we would like to be able to perform,” said Tori Moore, a third-year international studies student.
Members do not have to come with experience in Acroyoga; those interested need only bring themselves and be willing to trust the other members.
“The biggest thing is trust,” said Jana Cartee, a third-year dance education student. “You can learn to be flexible.”