The Daily Gamecock

Letter to the Editor: To promote equal opportunity, push higher education, too

Governor should focus on all schools in SC, top to bottom

On behalf of the student body at the University of South Carolina,
We believe in the future of South Carolina. Our future is dependent upon the quality of our education.

We commend Gov. Nikki Haley for making education the keystone of her State of the State address. Targeted approaches to schooling in this state are fundamental to improving the quality of lives for all our citizens.

We charge the governor to address the issues facing education in South Carolina in a comprehensive manner, from K-12 to the university level.

Investment in education, including higher education, is the surest way to create a brighter future for the citizens of our state. Education is the ultimate means by which each and every child can rise from the humblest of beginnings, to accomplish the loftiest of goals — the pipeline to success in our society.

Our education system — as it stands — does not provide all students with the opportunity to succeed, failing to fulfill its most basic purpose.

Without a concerted effort to improve the quality of all levels of academics within our state, many students will not have the ability to live up to their greatest potential.

We look forward to working with Haley and the General Assembly in the coming months as we kick off our student campaign to address the unwieldy burden rising tuition is placing upon South Carolina’s students and families.

Building upon the governor’s address, we hope to achieve a renewed focus on the entirety of education, ensuring all South Carolinians an even brighter future.

Chase Mizzell is the student body president.
