The Daily Gamecock

In our opinion: Carolina Closet shows potential of Student Government

Carolina Closet, a Student Government initiative that was a campaign issue last election cycle, looks as if it will be achieved.

We applaud the drive of Student Body President Lindsay Richardson to complete this project. Too many politicians promise ideas in their campaigns only to abandon them during their terms when challenges arise. Although the various logistical challenges have made this project difficult to finish, it appears that her goal of creating Carolina Closet will be achieved.

However, not all the work has been completed yet. We urge Richardson to follow through with this project, even if it means committing time and effort after her time as president is complete. 

This program shows the potential of SG. During this election, we have found ourselves questioning the role and importance of Student Government on campus. We believe initiatives that have the potential to help many students, like Carolina Closet, are where SG shines. It's not in senate procedural matters or normal business. While important, those things don't make the average student care about SG.

Taking an idea from students, campaigning on that idea and following through on it is the essence of student democracy. If Carolina Closet succeeds, we believe it should serve as an example of what is good about SG.
