The Daily Gamecock

Power on campus restored after mass outage


Power has been restored after there were mass power outages across campus starting at 2:15 p.m. Thursday.

"The Pendleton Street substation apparently went down, or had some kind of problem," said USC electrical worker Porter Bridges after campus went dark. "So a lot of buildings are on generator power."

Russell House, Callcott, Gambrell, Columbia Hall, Welsh Humanities Classroom Building, the Coliseum, Maxcy, Coker, Sumwaltand Thomas Cooper Library, among other buildings, lost power.

Some buildings, such as Jones, had the fire alarm go off and the students evacuated.

Moore School, West Quad and Cliff Apartments did not lose power.

The power outages left some students stuck in elevators, such as first-year sociology and psychology student Briana DellaSala, who became stuck in Columbia Hall.

"We got stuck with three other people in between the second and the third floor," she said. "The fire department had to come and get us out."

The Student Health Center continued operations, using backup power for what they could and using paper for what they couldn't. The lab was still functioning during the outages.

"We're dealing with it," said Student Health Center worker Donna Harrison. "That's the best thing we can do."

Most food services shut down, but some, such as Colloquium Cafe, kept serving by writing down Carolina Card info on paper forms.

Students near Gambrell who were hungry for Einstein's Bagels weren't so lucky.

Features editor Kirby Knowlton contributed to this article.


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