The Daily Gamecock

Bon Jovi definitely burning bridges


“Burning Bridges” features only ten songs by the longtime hit rock band Bon Jovi. The album is said to be "for die-hard fans only", which seems to be true. 

Many of the songs, including “Blind Love,” “Who Would You Die For” and “Fingerprints” don't stand out much. 

The record doesn’t incorporate any fresh sounds and basically echoes the sounds of any other Bon Jovi albums. 

The third song, “Saturday Night Gave Me Sunday Morning,” sounds just like Nickleback’s, “Gotta Be Somebody.” This album is confused on whether its goal is rock, pop, alternative or country, and it simply does too much jumping around to sound cohesive. 

After 32 years of being together, Bon Jovi is losing its focus on the rock anthems that got them famous. The album sounds a little too much like they are trying to impress younger pop and country lovers, while they should just stick to their rock genre. 

The album ends with a weird ballad that just doesn’t fit in with the other songs. The track is about how Bon Jovi is leaving its record label “Mercury” after 30-plus years together. It includes the scornful lyrics, “After 30 years of loyalty/ they let you dig the grave / Now maybe you can learn to sing/ or even strum along / I’ll give you half the publishing / You’re why I wrote this song.” 

Maybe Bon Jovi’s lack of ingenuity can be blamed on built up anger toward its former label. Finally, one might expect that, on Bon Jovi’s 2016 tour, they will play mostly older hits to keep their crowds happy.
