The Daily Gamecock

Style Swap open to all students

Jan. 20 the USC Fashion Board will host its annual Style Swap event in the Russell House Ballroom at 7 p.m.

The event is the Fashion Board’s first meeting of the new semester and is open to any students that are interested in becoming member. One does not have to be a retail major or minor to become a member of the USC Fashion Board — anyone with a strong love of fashion is encouraged to join.

With the start of a new semester just underway, many students do not have the time or resources to constantly shop and evolve their wardrobes. The USC Fashion Board's Style Swap event offers busy students a chance to do so. 

Style Swap is an event which has been popular over the past couple of years. The swap encourages attendees to bring stylish, gently worn articles of clothing — accessories are not accepted — to exchange for another item. This diverse event provides students with a fun and financially responsible way to switch up their wardrobe. Upon arrival, students hand in their stylish donations and are then presented with a raffle ticket. Ticket numbers are then drawn at random and swap items are presented. Attended by those with a self-proclaimed love of fashion, the articles of clothing in the swap are sure to be as trendy and different as the members themselves.

Kate Dunn, a fourth-year advertising and mass communications major, serves as the co-director of public relations for the Fashion Board. Dunn, who has been on the Fashion Board for two years, regularly takes part in these fashionable swaps.

"The idea is for the non-members to see what it is like to be a part of Fashion Board and hopefully join. We have a lot of exciting events coming up ... finishing with our USC Fashion Week," Dunn said. "It (the Style Swap) has been popular because everyone that has come to the event has participated with good items and it has always been a fair and fun swap. It is also interesting to see [everyone's] different styles [and] how you can add that into your wardrobe."

Whether you possess a strong interest in fashion, need a new shirt to wear out in Five Points or are simply looking for a new and fun way to get involved on campus this spring, the Style Swap event hosted by the USC Fashion Board is a great place to start.

"If you are interested in fashion, it is a great way to meet many different people that may have the same classes as you or just the same interests," Dunn said. "It is a good opportunity also to have some fun with everyone and get something new!"


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