The Daily Gamecock

3 ways to earn money in college

College students juggle a bunch of responsibilities, from classes to student organizations to social lives. Among all these, it can be difficult sometimes to find time for a job, especially for students who don't have cars and can't go off campus. Here are three easy, convenient ways to earn money in college.

1. Find an on-campus job

The Career Center, located on the fifth floor of the Thomas Cooper Library, helps students find on-campus jobs. Working on campus is both convenient and a great way to make connections within the university, all while earning money. The Russell House, Housing Office, Colonial Life Arena and Student Success Center are just a few of the many on-campus job opportunities geared for students.

2. Sell unused items

Do you have a stack of old textbooks just lying around? Is your closet stuffed with never-worn sweaters and Carolina gear? February is the perfect time to start thinking about spring cleaning. Go through your things and find books, T-shirts, jewelry or phone cases that you never use, and try to sell them. For an easy way to sell your things to USC students, check out the USC Free and For Sale App on Facebook.

3. Find a paid internship

Internships are valuable resources to put on your resume, so why not make some money while you work toward your future career? Columbia has many internship opportunities for students of all majors and interests. While most paid internships are geared toward upperclassmen, it never hurts for all students to search out those paying opportunities. The Career Center and JobMate are great places to start looking for these internships.


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