The Daily Gamecock

Introducing the official Spotify of The Daily Gamecock

<p>No matter what your musical tastes, following thedailygamecock on Spotify will help you branch out. Courtesy of Spotify.</p>
No matter what your musical tastes, following thedailygamecock on Spotify will help you branch out. Courtesy of Spotify.

It may seem counterintuitive, but with instant access to more recorded music than ever before in human history, it’s easy to get stuck in a listening rut as a college student today. Websites like Amazon and iTunes analyze users’ tastes in order to suggest music similar to what they already like, leading to more opportunities to listen to the same genres, but fewer opportunities to branch out and discover new types of music.

For this reason, Arts & Culture is pleased to announce the creation of The Daily Gamecock Spotify account. The brainchild of Editor-in-Chief Kamila Melko, TDG’s Spotify account — called thedailygamecock — will curate playlists of new and old music for every occasion. The Arts & Culture editors — Rachel Pittman, Sarah Nichols and myself — will regularly update the account, with the help of our team of writers. So next time you’re sick of hearing the same eight bands you’ve been cycling through since 2012, but don’t feel like sifting through millions of questionable artists and genres, let Arts & Culture do the sifting for you. Follow thedailygamecock on Spotify for the variety and quality you won’t get from an algorithm.


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