The Daily Gamecock

Student Endorsement: Bernie Sanders

<p>Bernie Sanders addresses supporters in the Russell House Theater.&nbsp;</p>
Bernie Sanders addresses supporters in the Russell House Theater. 

I’ve closely followed the 2016 election season for over a year. It is my opinion that only one remaining candidate fulfills all of the experiential, ethical and political requirements of the Oval Office and has the best interests of the American people in mind. This candidate is Sen. Bernie Sanders.

I would first like to address what I believe is the most distinguishing factor in favor of Sanders during this circus of an election season. Sanders, by my observation, is the most decent, honest and acceptable human being still running for president of the United States.

Contrary to his primary opponent, Sanders touts a scandal-free political career and consistent record. Beyond a clean record, Sanders today has the strongest platforms pushing for political and electoral reform. He has spoken out strongly against the Citizens United decision and has raised incredible amounts of campaign finances without political action committee support.

For those who worry that a vote for Sanders in the primaries makes for a Republican White House in 2016, I would point out Sanders' favorable head-to-head polls against Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich. Sanders also touts high, and rising, national approval ratings, contrary to his primary opponent.

Above his human decency, honesty and poll performances, Sanders has voted consistently on a number of key issues from gay marriage and abortion to criminal justice reform and addressing economic inequality. Additionally, Sanders has a record of working across party lines, which is more important now than ever. As mayor of Burlington, Vermont, Sanders worked with Republicans on public projects, which were widely successful.

Sanders is the strongest presidential candidate for the millennial generation. His widely debated college tuition plan is solid in principle and possible in application. Beyond his stance on college tuition and loans, Sanders aims to end the costly war on drugs in favor of spending money on education.

Bernie is strong on other important millennial issues, such as combating climate change, addressing high youth unemployment, protecting personal freedoms and addressing the root causes of economic inequality. I could go on about his consistent policy records, but I’ll finally address what makes Sanders the best remaining candidate for president of the United States.

Everything that I do not see in his opponent, I see in Sanders. In Sanders, I see a man who has stood by his convictions for an entire political career. I see a man who fights for his beliefs and was arrested in 1960s Chicago in the name of civil rights. In Sanders, I see a visionary leader who can identify institutions that are not simply broken, but fundamentally flawed and require major re-evaluation — namely education, healthcare, election finance, criminal justice and investment banking.

Sanders is the only remaining candidate who has demonstrated such strong convictions that he is willing to get arrested for his beliefs. I do not believe that there is another single candidate with that sort of true passion and zeal for the best interests of the American people. Sanders represents the nearly forgotten dream of what the United States of America could one day become — a nation in which the interests of all people are adequately and equally represented, without restraint.


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