The Daily Gamecock: What experience makes you qualified for this office?
Stinson Rogers: So, I was in the army for five years before I actually came here, and one of the things I was in charge of while I was in Korea, I was voted as the BOSS treasurer, and BOSS stands for Better Opportunity for Single Soldiers, and as a treasurer there I was in charge of a $50,000 budget, and I was able to effectively manage that budget. I put on over 150 different events throughout the South Korean peninsula for single soldiers there. Not only that, but I also have experience in leadership as well. So as treasurer you’re kind of going to have to hold some leaders accountable for their jobs in that sense. And I believe that the leadership and the skills that I’ve kind of honed in the military will be essential to the job as treasurer.
TDG: If you could accomplish one thing during your term what would it be?
SR: It would be getting more student organizations involved. So as it stands right now, only about 49 organizations actually request money from Student Government. One thing I want to do as treasurer, I want to make requesting funds available to all student organizations. So if I can get more than 49 organizations to request money from Student Government ... I’d consider that a success.
TDG: What inspired you to run for this position?
SR: I guess a sense of duty to be honest with you. It's just something that's kind of been instilled in me from the military. I’m on the USC rugby team as well, and hearing Chris, who's in charge of our finances and things of that nature, hearing him talk about some of the struggles he went through, like requesting money from Student Government, prompted me to do that as well. As well as [Alpha Kappa Psi] so one of my really good friends, Alex Zuelsdorf, he’s the finance chair for our business fraternity [Alpha Kappa Psi], and again just hearing the struggle that he had to come through, and that prompted my interest in what the actual treasurer does. And then sitting down with Ian Shannon, I actually found out what he does and his role within Student Government prompted me to run.
TDG: What food do you think embodies your personality and why?
SR: Maybe sweet and sour chicken. Due to the fact that everyone loves the sweet and sour chicken. It’s not too spicy, it’s not too sweet and it’s not too sour, but it’s kind of a great combination of everything.