College is a stressful and busy place. There is ample opportunity to make friends and gain new experiences, but it can be difficult to decide which opportunities and experiences to seek out. Every student organization and activity offers something new and different, and it can be overwhelming to weed through all the different groups to find which one you fit in with best. Here are six options for getting involved on campus.
Student Government
Student Government is most notable for its elections, which are always filled with suspense and drama. But, besides the candidates, there are plenty more students behind the scenes. If you are passionate about government or just want to make a difference on campus, it’s a great place to start.
Mountaineering and White Water Club
For the more adventurous students, this student organization provides opportunities for outdoor excursions every weekend. The club also provides training for these excursions to properly prepare you and offers different levels of difficulty. So whether you’re an avid outdoorsman or a beginner looking for a little fun, this club has the perfect activity for you.
Business fraternities
Due to our huge and prestigious business school, there are multiple business fraternities to choose from here at USC. Regardless of which you choose, they all offer valuable connections in the business world as well as tips and seminars on important skills. Of course, another perk is a great friend group and fun activities like formals and mountain weekends.
University ambassadors
The university ambassadors are the people you see on campus every day leading tour groups around the school. It’s a great way to meet people and share your love for USC. If you are always advocating for the school and want to get involved, university ambassadors is a great place to start.
Orientation leader
Taking the university ambassadors a step further, orientation leaders interact with almost every student coming to USC. Orientation leaders face a large time commitment, giving up much of their summer to welcome new students, but the most USC passion and spirit are likely to be found in this bunch. If you love USC and making lifelong friends, consider joining this awesome organization.
A cappella group
USC is home to a number of awesome a cappella groups including the all-female Cocktails and the all-male Carolina Gentlemen. All the groups are well-known across campus and perform at a variety of events throughout the year. An audition is required to join, and the competition can be fierce, but anyone with a love of song should consider trying their luck to see if they have what it takes.