The Daily Gamecock

Students to spend break serving homeless in Florida

USC students will serve the homeless in West Palm Beach, Florida, this spring break while staying at the First United Methodist Church of Boca Raton. Fourth-year exercise science student Kaleigh Higgins will lead the group during their service trip.

Higgins said that during the trip, students will pack fresh produce for the homeless, work at a soup kitchen, volunteer in a food pantry and build a camp for children in the area. 

“Through this trip we will be able to view what we see as normal for us, as luxuries for others, and will be able to provide our time and hard work to help those who are less fortunate,” Higgins said. 

Higgins served on the Habitat for Humanity alternative spring break trip last year and said the trip inspired her to seek out more volunteer opportunities in order to gain more experience helping others.

“I hope to experience the same sense of fulfillment,” Higgins said. “But more important to come back more open minded and devoted to service and helping those who are less fortunate.” 

Higgins said she is looking forward to devoting her time to something she has not done before while the group is in Florida. Being able to help in whatever way possible and feeling like she gave what she could to people that truly need it are what she is looking forward to most, she said.

“I’m also looking forward to building new relationships with my group members and service ally, and learning more about each other, our actions, and those in the community we are serving,” Higgins said.


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