The Daily Gamecock

Workout tips make gym habits simple

Instructor Kevin Brostoff, left, and student Jared Olivo generate electricity as they workout on elliptical trainers at at the Anteater Recreation Center at the University of California, Irvine, on January 20, 2012. Using gym equipment, Fit for Green makes a game out of the creation of renewable energy in the gym, using social media as a platform. (Paul Rodriguez/Orange County Register/MCT)
Instructor Kevin Brostoff, left, and student Jared Olivo generate electricity as they workout on elliptical trainers at at the Anteater Recreation Center at the University of California, Irvine, on January 20, 2012. Using gym equipment, Fit for Green makes a game out of the creation of renewable energy in the gym, using social media as a platform. (Paul Rodriguez/Orange County Register/MCT)

Going to the gym is not a duty or a responsibility: It’s a habit. Considering a workout as a step of your daily routine will make it much easier to actually stay in shape.

The hardest part about exercise is finding the motivation to initiate it — not that it’s simple to put together an in-the-gym regime. In light of these obstacles and the approaching beach season, here are seven tips to help you hit the gym hard.

Get lots of sleep

A futile workout will only make you feel worse about yourself. Without a good night’s sleep, you’ll often find yourself exasperated well before reaching your goals, and this can be extremely frustrating. The energy from being well-rested can help you conquer the world and the gym. Sleep is a significant factor in the accomplished feeling you should experience after leaving the gym.

Eat balanced meals — no skipping

Food fuels the human body, and you simply won’t run well or far on an empty stomach. The entire stretch of effort you give in the gym will feel dizzy, uncomfortable and just all around unpleasant if you’re pushing yourself on an empty stomach. The body looks for sources of protein in order to build muscle, and carbohydrates are an important food group to consume before exercise because they provide your body with energy. Don’t feel guilty, the indulgence in certain power foods might be your breakthrough in the gym.

Buy new exercise attire

What is the incentive? For some, a fit body or an in-shape mentality might not be enough. Situations like these call for outsourcing. Based on personal experience I have found myself significantly more “excited” for the gym after a new athletic attire purchase. New Nike Roshe shoes, some patterned leggings or whatever suits your fancy could possibly push you that extra mile.

Drink lots of water

Drinking water might not directly encourage you to go to the gym, but it can sway your decision. Dehydration can mean low energy levels and headaches, which will surely deter you from exercise. Keep in mind sodas and other beverages with high sugar content can give you some uncomfortable cramping —  do you want any additional burdens when you’re already exercising? Staying hydrated is more important than you may think.

Find new music

New clothes may not appeal to everyone, or may not be financially possible every time you need some inspiration. It can be a challenge to maintain your stamina without some upbeat tunes. Pandora and Spotify are two apps that can introduce you to new hits — make sure to check out The Daily Gamecock weekly Spotify playlist — you never know, The Daily Gamecock's favorite songs could be your redeeming encouragement!

Do circuits

Do you stop when you feel the burn? That can be one way to monitor your workout. However, a more efficient method is completing circuits. Circuits are sets of a specific workout. For example, if you do 20 squats with 20-pound weights, you can do this three times with short breaks in between each set. With this system, you will achieve much more in a shorter time frame.

Keep track of your efforts

Setting goals is one of the most important factors in a long-term exercise regime. If you go to the gym frequently you should measure your achievements each time and continuously try to surpass them every time you exercise. If you set your goals before you begin your workout, you’ll have no excuse for “I’ll just stop there.” Don’t forget to take breaks and reward yourself!

You don’t have to weigh yourself or feel discouraged to find motivation to go to the gym. Trying a few of these seven methods can introduce happiness, efficiency and success into your workout life. In addition to these tips, make sure to make a habit of going to the gym — if you get into a routine it will be much more painless for you.


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