The Daily Gamecock

World Night to feature 12 international cultures

The 17th annual World Night, hosted by the International Students Association, will be held Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Russell House Ballroom.

World Night is the University of South Carolina's largest annual international event. This year's event will feature performances by international students, authentic international food and a multicultural fashion show. In addition to the U.S., the countries and cultures to be featured are Netherlands, India, Korea, Palestine, Iran, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, France, Vietnam, Oman, Bangladesh, Latin America and parts of Africa.

ISA is one of the most diverse student organizations at USC with members from countries all over the world. Their mission statement is "to bring together American and international student members to form lasting friendships and enjoy cultural events." In coordination with the Office of International Student Services, they host World Night every spring semester.


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