The Daily Gamecock

Crime Blotter: 4/10/16 - 4/17/16

A man is accused of throwing a hammer at his roommate during an altercation Thursday afternoon. Officers responded regarding a verbal argument that resulted in a physical attack. The victim said he had a dispute with his roommate who threatened to hurt him with a hammer. The roommate then entered the victim's bedroom and proceeded to throw a hammer, missing him but hitting and damaging the wall. The victim told officers that his roommate had a history of mental health issues, and the roommate confirmed this. The roommate turned over the hammer to officers for processing and said he is planning to move.

A woman is accused of assaulting her boyfriend when he returned to their shared home to collect his things Thursday morning after a fight the previous night. The couple went out the night before with the victim's boss and his wife, at which point the girlfriend became intoxicated and started an argument with the boss's wife. The victim then took his girlfriend home and left to stay with friends. When he returned the next day to pick up clothes and his dog, he alleges that his girlfriend began throwing and breaking things. He claimed he realized he was injured when he exited the home to call the police and saw blood. When officers took his girlfriend into custody, she acknowledged that she has a tendency to break things when angry but denied the assault.

A wheelchair was damaged Tuesday when a woman got into an altercation with a driver. The woman was visiting her mother from out of town and was using the mother's wheelchair to carry trash to the street. At that time, she noticed a couple arguing, the woman from a car and the man from the street. She asked them to stop because there were elderly people in the area and got into a fight with the suspect, who was driving the car. The victim was standing next to a dumpster during the argument, and the suspect attempted to hit her with the car. She missed both people but hit the dumpster and the wheelchair. Officers did not apprehend the driver, but they did get her license plate number from the man. The owners of the wheelchair want to press charges for the damage.


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