When “Gilmore Girls” went off the air in 2007, fans were disappointed, but the popular series is getting a reboot through Netflix. To generate hype for the show, Netflix converted 250 coffee shops around the U.S. on Wednesday, including The Wired Goat Café in the Vista, into Luke’s Diner, the frequent stop and hangout for the titular Gilmores and the residents of their small town, Stars Hollow.
The Wired Goat and Netflix didn’t go as far as to bring in quirky locals like those of Stars Hollow or hire a brooding intellectual to half-heartedly wait tables like Luke’s nephew and fan-favorite Jess, but the excitement of the customers and the promise of free coffee were enough to satisfy fans. Some waited longer than a Stars Hollow town meeting.
The event began at seven and lasted until noon. Two hundred cups of free coffee were passed out — all outfitted with the signature Luke’s logo and quotes from the series. One cup quoted a popular line that Lorelai Gilmore, a self-proclaimed coffee addict, spouted in season one: “Coffee please, with a shot of cynicism.”
Second-year business student Sara Strathmann said she had been waiting in line “a little over two hours," she said. "We got here at seven."
Even though the wait was long, Strathmann was pleased with everything.
“It’s pretty worth the wait ... I'm definitely happy with all the signs and the cup and everything,” she said.
“I always loved the show, so it’s very cool that, after watching all of it and kind of having a break … this kind of brings it all back,” student Addison Love said.
The event garnered considerable social media attention and brought out a sizable crowd, which The Wired Goat employee John Dawkins said they weren’t expecting, but were definitely pleased by. Dawkins said the employees were "definitely excited to be a part of this.”
Around the café, signs were posted demanding “no cell phones,” a tribute to the Luddite qualities of the diner’s owner — Luke. Many people also wore flannel and baseball hats as homage to Luke, who is one of Lorelai Gilmore's main love interests.
Fans are already re-watching the series and listening to “Hep Alien” in preparation for the revival, which premieres Nov. 25 on Netflix. Most of the speculation around the revival is centered on what the last four words of the series will be. Mason thinks it will be from Lorelei, “I love you, Luke.” Whatever the revival brings, entitled “A Year in the Life,” it will be a monumental pop culture event.