The Daily Gamecock

Letter from the Editor: Parents Weekend

Hello from the newsroom!

Welcome to the original and better USC. In your hand is a copy of the editorially independent student paper at the university. We’ve got a long history, but I won’t bother you with that because we have it on another page. Our cover this year is different from any other. We wanted to put faces to The Daily Gamecock and dispel the idea that the paper just "appears." There are students who spend hours working on daily, good quality content. The front cover photo is a small fraction of our staff. I wish everyone could have been there, but with so many people with so many different schedules, it’s hard to get even a group photo.

You’ve arrived at an interesting time. This weekend will be our first home game of the season, so you will be able to experience the Carolina football frenzy for the first time just like many of the first-year students. It’s a lot to soak in. The air will be filled with cheers, the smell of slow-cooked barbecue and footballs being tossed from friend to friend.

The Parents Weekend tab has all you need for this weekend. We have it printed out for you so you can tuck it in your pocket as you hurry from one event to the next for the free items and food. Check out the table of contents to get all the information you need about the school, the places to go, the places to eat, what you need to wear to the game and all the cheers that you might not already know.

Our sports section has put together some things to pay attention to on the football field and their predictions for the game. They can get you up to speed on what’s going on behind enemy lines and what’s happening on the team. For those who might not be big followers of football, we’ve got your back.

On a personal note, I’m pretty excited for this Parents Weekend. Shout-out to my mom for flying in from Los Angeles to spend a weekend with her daughter who doesn’t sleep due to this job. This time it will be her rolling her eyes at me about all the things I worry about.

Enjoy your time here. For those who have never been to the South, it’s a different culture for sure, and there are some great things about it (the food is definitely one of them). It might not seem like your child is excited to see you, but deep down, they are. We are excited to have you here and seeing what Carolina is all about.

Kamila Melko



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