The Daily Gamecock

New 'Rogue One' trailer releases more details on what to expect this December

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

(Donnie Yen)

Ph: Film Frame

©Lucasfilm LFL
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Donnie Yen) Ph: Film Frame ©Lucasfilm LFL

A new trailer for “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” was released earlier this month, revamping the hype for the Dec. 16 release with a healthy combination of action and plot-building scenes that reveal more of how the movie will shape out. 

In the trailer, we get to see a buildup of the background between main character Jyn Erso, her father — a scientist crucial to the development of the Death Star — and the antagonist, Director Krennic. As well, it shows a number of scenes and dialogue from our secondary characters that make up the “Rogue One” crew and will undoubtedly add depth to the story. The trailer depicts the ever-growing "Star Wars" universe with new planets, creatures and technologies that make this a true stand-alone film.

With this movie taking place between the third and fourth films, Vader might be seen in action. Several new scenes featuring Darth Vader are available, which hopefully means that he will be an integral part of the narrative and not just be the hand behind the strings.

One aspect of the new "Rogue One" trailer that could possibly bring about concern is the change in tone. The sneak-peek of the movie is noticeably much lighter than the heavy and dark tone the teaser trailer and first trailer display.

The fan base is concerned about the tone of the film following the report of re-shoots in late June and early July. Gareth Edwards, director of “Rogue One,” tried to defuse the situation by suggesting that the movie has a dark tone, was always meant to have a dark tone and the reshoots did not change that, but doubts still linger in the community. 


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