The Daily Gamecock

Unique ways to spend fall break

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Fall break is approaching, and already some students are packing their bags and getting ready for long trips home and vacations with friends and family. However, others might not have anything special planned for break. If you feel left with nothing to do this fall break, check out some of these different ideas to make for a memorable fall vacation.

1. Do volunteer work

If you feel stuck at home with nothing to do this fall break, why not help out members of your community? With the holidays approaching, now is the perfect time to help those in need. There are various types of volunteer work in many communities, such as soup kitchens, animal shelters and programs that donate clothing, supplies and other necessities. Since many of these programs are held by nonprofits, they can often use all the help they can get in maintaining their programs. Plus, not only will volunteering make you feel great, but it will help others in need and spread gratitude.

2. Surprise visit a friend

Although USC's fall break is approaching, different colleges might have breaks at another time. If you have a friend at a different school who doesn't have the same fall break, why not plan a surprise visit to see them? It's a great opportunity to explore a different campus, meet some new people and spend time with your friend. Not only would it be a great surprise, but it would give you a few days in a new environment to catch up with your friend and take it easy. 

 3. Take a trip to a fall festival / state fair

Many festivals and state fairs begin in October as the season changes and the weather cools down. State fairs and festivals can be a fun way to spend a day out with friends and family, and it can get everyone feeling festive and excited for the upcoming holidays. Much of the time these festivals have live music, games, rides and delicious food. If you’ve already checked out your local state fair, check out fairs or festivals in places nearby. Not only would visiting a different state fair be something unique to do, but it could be made into a fun road trip as well.

 4. Visit an apple orchard

A getaway to the mountains is a classic fall vacation, and there are multiple apple orchards located in the North Carolina mountains. Many apple orchards offer pick-your-own apples or pre-picked apples, and some even have apple products you can take home such as apple cider, apple doughnuts and apple butter. The best part is that after picking your apples, you can make a ton of delicious recipes to show off to friends!

If you find yourself looking for something different to do this fall break, try out one of these unique ideas. Not only are they entertaining, but they can be done with friends and family and will make for fun, memorable experiences.


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