In Brief 3/2/17 More Like This Constitutional Council releases full opinions on three election code violation cases heard, expands on decisions By Marley Bassett | 3:59pm The Women in Business Council aims to build confidence, creates connections for members By Morgan Dunn | March 3 Carolina Cafe to lose nearby street parking, worrying restaurant owner By Holly Parker | March 2 Comments Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
Constitutional Council releases full opinions on three election code violation cases heard, expands on decisions By Marley Bassett | 3:59pm
The Women in Business Council aims to build confidence, creates connections for members By Morgan Dunn | March 3
Student Government election hearing alleges fraud, campaign law violations By Eva Flowe and Carrigan Woodson | Feb. 26
Constitutional Council rules sufficient evidence of fraud, dismisses other cases By Eva Flowe | Feb. 26
Student Government election hearing alleges unfair advantage, finds evidence of election violation By Carrigan Woodson | Feb. 28
Student body treasurer, speaker of student senate announced; president, vice president postponed By Emily Beckman | Feb. 26