The Nickelodeon is hosting a series titled "American Odyssey," beginning July 2 and continuing through the end of July. The series will focus on classic films that exhibit the adventure of being out on the open road. According to the theater’s marketing coordinator, Pauline Arroyo, "American Odyssey" was inspired by the love for classic road films — “those wild road trips where all sorts of people would cross paths and find themselves along the way.”
The name of the series stems from the idea that ever since the inception of the American dream, Americans have been searching for freedom, love and power. Arroyo said that the selected films harbor each of these coveted concepts. Some of the films include Alfred Hitchcock’s "North By Northwest," Dennis Hopper’s "Easy Rider" and Terrence Malick’s "Badlands."
Through a rigorous process, the Nickelodeon staff sorted through films from a wide range of decades, the oldest film being "Sullivan’s Travels" (1941) and the newest being "Stand By Me" (1986). Viewing the movies in succession will ultimately illustrate how these “epic” road trip journeys have changed over the course of time.
"Attendees should expect to find old favorites, new classics, and something they’ve never seen before,” Arroyo said.
Passes for the full series are available at $50 for general admission and $40 for existing members. The pass provides one admission to each title on either a Sunday or a Monday. To secure your seat, show up 15 minutes early. Once the film is sold out, any unclaimed seats will up open to the general public 10 minutes before the film starts.