The Daily Gamecock

Carolina's underrated traditions: Honoring the past in the present

Clapping Circle

If you've ever seen someone clapping closely next to their ear while in the middle of that brick circle next to Russell House, we can explain. They were simply testing the so-called "magic" of the Clapping Circle. Folklore says that if you stand in the direct center of the circle and clap right next to your ear, you'll hear the sound of a baby gamecock crowing. So next time you've got a few minutes between classes, try putting this tradition to the test.

Carolina Ring and Ring Ceremony

The Carolina ring is a symbol of membership in the USC community that spans generations. There are a variety of options to chose from, but each ring includes the university's seal featuring the university's official motto. Students who have completed more than 60 credit hours are eligible to purchase a ring. Also, students who make their purchase during Ring Week each semester are eligible to participate in the Ring Ceremony. University President Harris Pastides presents each student with their custom ring. This semester's ceremony is scheduled for Nov. 12. Alumni can also retroactively purchase a ring.

Midnight Walk on Pickens Street Bridge

It's a tradition that's even included on the USC Bucket List, and as the story goes it's one that will bring you good fortune. The ritual dictates that for good luck on final exams, you must take a midnight walk across the Pickens Street Bridge the night before your first test. While it's also important to study, there's no rule to say this tradition isn't a good way to get in a study break. Even if you don't believe in luck, why take a risk when generations of students have supposedly found success?


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