There have been nine accusations of campaign violations as of Feb. 26. Find updated information on new violations and hearing verdicts as soon as it becomes available.
Violation: Banner in wrong location
Candidate(s): Vice presidential candidate Mills Hayes
Date of violation: Feb. 23
Verdict: Violation occurred, one point given
Violation: Solicitation in Honors Residence Hall
Candidate(s): Presidential candidate Taylor Wright, vice presidential candidate Mills Hayes, speaker of the senate candidate Patrick Ellis
Date of violation: Feb. 21
Verdict: Violation occurred, three points given
Alleged violation: Distributing promotional items
Candidate(s): Presidential candidate Tommy DiBona, vice presidential candidate Madi Carzon
Date of alleged violation: Feb. 13
Verdict: No violation occurred
Violation: Posting fliers in unpermitted location
Candidate(s): Vice presidential candidate Nick Hooks
Date of alleged violation: Feb. 14
Verdict: Violation occurred, no points given
Violation: Posting fliers in unpermitted location
Candidate(s): Treasurer candidate Wilfredo Anderson
Date of alleged violation: Feb. 14
Verdict: Violation occurred, no points given
Violation: Holding a rally or special event
Candidate(s): Presidential candidate Tommy DiBona, vice presidential candidate Madi Carzon
Date of violation: Feb. 13
Verdict: Violation occurred, five points given; appeal denied
Alleged violation: Using university materials in a campaign video
Candidate(s): Speaker of the senate candidate Patrick Ellis
Date of alleged violation: Feb. 13
Verdict: No violation occurred