The Daily Gamecock

Brief: Student senate begins its 111th session

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Student senate began its 111th session Wednesday night with introductions and assignment of senators to committees.

No new legislation was submitted prior to the senate session, so the meeting served as an introduction to the senate and its function. 

Brandon Patrick was nominated for speaker pro tempore and unanimously elected. He will preside over the senate if Speaker of the Senate Davis Latham speaks at the podium or is unable to attend.

Senators were assigned to committees, one of which being the new health and safety committee.

Latham spoke after senate about what he expects of the 111th session. Latham said he hoped to see topics like student safety, mental health, a revision of codes and fee reduction discussed throughout the coming year.

“I think we’re gonna see a level of involvement we haven’t ever seen in the senate,” Latham said.


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