The Daily Gamecock

A savvy student’s guide to campus arts organizations

Upon arriving at USC, you’ll be bombarded with invitations to join just about every organization under the sun. Who knew one school could have so many Bible studies? When do these people find time to stand out on Greene Street and pull unsuspecting new students into their improv groups? Am I actually going to join any of these clubs, or am I just going to take these tablers’ free pizza and never see them again?

It might be so overwhelming you’re tempted to dine and dash, just toss that handful of pamphlets and calendars in the garbage and hope you find another way to make friends. But not to worry: This guide will give you the concise jump-start you need to figure out what clubs might interest an arts-savvy Carolina student. We’ll arm you with info before you’re thrown into the fray and show off some highlights so you don’t have to spend hours scrolling through Garnet Gate.


This organization is the perfect way for theater kids (or aspiring theater kids) to find community at USC or get their feet wet in the world of musical theater. Producing at least one musical a semester, Off-Off-Broadway is a great way for non-theater majors to satiate their passion for the spotlight. Even if you don’t want to join up right away, the shows make for an exciting evening at the theater supporting local art. The best part? All the shows are free. 

Art History Club

Art History Club is exactly what it sounds like: an organization of students passionate about art history. It’s a great way to learn more about the field and meet other arts enthusiasts, whether you’re pursuing it as a scholar or a hobbyist. The organization also seeks to coordinate arts-oriented events, such as guest speakers and museum visits.

Ink! Undergraduate English Association

Ink! is an active community with something for everyone who loves art and literature. This group is organized around events such as open mics, movie and game nights and professional opportunities. They also host USC’s literary conference, creating a space for students to present their research and see what their peers have been working on. 

Carolina Film and Television Club

This club is a great, low-commitment way to meet others interested in film media. It serves to facilitate a discussion-based community and provide a space for screenings and social events.


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