The Daily Gamecock

Recap: SG cabinet members discuss mental health, sustainability

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On Tuesday, Student Body President Luke Rankin's executive cabinet held its second official meeting. Rankin described cabinet meetings as a time to brainstorm with student leaders and discuss ideas for future initiatives. The members discussed Stigma Free USC, Sustainability Week and the Higher Education Opportunities Act. 

  • The cabinet discussed Rankin's 9/11 Remembrance Day Wednesday and ensured they had enough people signed up to work the event. Student Government will hold a workout at 7 a.m. in Strom Thurmond Wellness & Fitness Center. It will also have tables on Davis Field from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for students to thank USCPD for its service, "letter writing, pledge making, and an opportunity for students to sign up to donate blood" according to the event's promotional graphic.
  • Stigma Free USC is a week from Oct. 21-25 aimed to discuss mental health awareness and resources on campus. Events during this week would range from stress management to physical health practices, such as yoga and showing students how to maintain healthy diets.
The cabinet discussed a potential schedule for Stigma Free week, but events and focuses are subject to change:
Monday will be a storytelling day on mental health experiences. There will also be "23 questions with the health center" Vogue-style videos posted on social media, aiming for students to get to know the facility better. Tuesday is focusing on underrepresented mental illness. Wednesday is a day for suicide prevention education. Thursday will focus on physical health and Friday is all about stress management.
  • Sustainability Week will take place this spring and will focus on making the campus more environmentally friendly. Possible events include decorating your own recycling bin or reusable bag and increasing dining sustainability. Tips about how to recycle in off-campus apartments will also be featured.
  • The Higher Education Opportunities Act (EO) deals with funding of universities, scholarships based on financial need, tuition and infrastructure, and it makes it easier for students to afford schooling. The EO will be made into a forum, and students will be able to lobby for it at the Statehouse. 


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