The Daily Gamecock

Fresh Faces of Comedy features relatable, quirky comedian

Andy Erikson, took audience members on a roller coaster ride of her life’s events in her Carolina Production’s Fresh Faces of Comedy performance Wednesday night. 

From rationalizing her experience of dressing up in a car costume and parking herself in a toll spot to explaining why she meows at police when she is pulled over for speeding, Erikson had audience members gasping for air. 

Before the show, Erikson sat in the back of the room talking with a student about life at the University of South Carolina. 

"I like to hang out with the students and they'll tell me secrets about the school," she said. "I like to come in and hang out and kind of make friends."

She enjoys playing off little bits of information about school rivalries and mascots. She poked fun at USC’s mascot and mentioned the university's rivalry with Clemson.

In her performance, Erikson’s stylistic trademark was her ability to interact with the audience in somewhat of an open dialogue, frequently asking the audience for input while maintaining her social awkwardness. 

David Lima, first-year pre-business student who attended the show said he's a big comedy fan and listens to comedy podcasts every week. He said he's appreciative that Carolina Productions puts on these kind of events. 

“I thought it was cool how the audience participated,” Lima said. 

Erikson, who gained popularity when she finished in third place on The Last Comic Standing several years back, is known for her quirky and awkward yet relatable approach to life’s everyday interactions. 

“It’s about having fun and being vulnerable and being myself," Erikson said. "I like to say whatever comes to my mind and then be off the cuff and silly.”

Erikson is the second high profile comedian to perform at USC in back to back months of Fresh Faces of Comedy. Last month's comedian was Andrew Orolfo, another young up-and-coming comedian. He went on to perform on The Late Late Show with James Corden two days after performing at USC. 

Devin Vest, third-year media arts student, is the comedic events coordinator in charge of getting high profile comedians to perform at USC. 

Carolina Productions members go to a convention each year called the National Association for Campus Activities. Vest said delegates from Carolina Productions first came into contact with Erikson and Odolfo at this event. They were able to coordinate with other schools to make a convenient schedule that allows comedians to perform at one college then easily travel to colleges nearby. 

He said the goal of Fresh Faces of Comedy is to expose students to names and faces that they might not recognize until coming to the show. 

The reactions of audience members supported Vest’s motto, “If you’re funny, I love you. If you’re not funny, leave. Fortunately everyone I’m bringing in is very funny.” 

Carolina Productions is hosting Leslie David Baker, better known as Stanley from "The Office," on Oct. 16 and musically-inclined comedian Jon Fisher on Nov. 6.  


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