The Daily Gamecock

Letter from the presidents: Rise up to the challenge

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Dear fellow Gamecocks,

I am writing you today along with our Student Body President-elect Issy Rushton. First of all, we hope you have had a safe and enjoyable spring break. We know there is a lot of confusion about what the next few weeks will hold, and as a result we would like to provide some insight into the unfolding COVID-19 situation and how, as a Gamecock family, we can stand together to be a part of the solution. We, as students, understand your frustration and confusion. As your current and future student body presidents, we have seen the power of the Gamecock family over the past year and know that your strength will continue as this situation evolves.

This is an unprecedented time in our Carolina community. We ask that you remain calm and follow the official university guidelines. We would like to remind you that every decision made by the university is not only for your health, but for the health and safety of our wider Carolina community. While we ask that you follow these guidelines and remain off-campus until April 3, we also acknowledge that Carolina might be the only safe space for you during this time. If that is the case, we are here for you.

As a Gamecock family, we have been through more difficult times than these, and it is up to us to be resilient in the days ahead. We ask that you uphold the Carolinian Creed and rise to the challenge that each day brings. Remember to wash your hands and follow the CDC guidelines. If you have any questions, please visit the university COVID-19 website or reach out to the university hotline.

Forever to thee,

Luke Rankin, student body president 

Issy Rushton, student body president-elect


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