The Daily Gamecock

Student senate proposes streamlined advising process

Student senator Claire Windsor introduced legislation to streamline advising technologies in the hopes of creating a more "equitable experience" during Wednesday's student senate meeting. 

Under this legislation, students and advisors would be able to access a student's academic and advising records through the same virtual system, EAB Navigate

EAB Navigate is one of the four advising technologies the university currently uses. 

"Really, EAB Navigate is what we're trying to target through this legislation," Windsor said. "To make sure advisors and advisees are communicating well, sharing notes and being able to transition to this new online advising format in a really good way."

Students meet with three to five different academic advisors during their time at USC. EAB Navigate would allow for the centralization and easy accessibility of all of a student's records, advisor notes and referrals. 

Swipe Out Hunger, a Student Government initiative created to help students dealing with food insecurity, ended on Monday. Each of the 40 students who applied have received their meal plans, according to Student Body Vice President Hannah White.  

The program will continue next year. 

Additionally, Student Body President Issy Rushton said she is continuing to work on organizing an in-person commencement for the end of the semester. 

"It is going to be crucial that the next administration is also working on this," Rushton said. 

Her term as a student government executive is nearing its end. Filing for candidacy will begin during the second week of February, and the next group of executives will be inaugurated on March 25.


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