The Daily Gamecock

4 anime that are overlooked, yet thrilling to binge

PHOTO ILLUSTRATION: A man watches an anime on a tv screen in Columbia, SC on Oct. 6, 2022.
PHOTO ILLUSTRATION: A man watches an anime on a tv screen in Columbia, SC on Oct. 6, 2022.

The anticipation of big releases in the near future has the anime world in a frenzy and rightfully so. With the returns of "Jujutsu Kaisen" and "Bleach" soon approaching, notable titles are taking center stage. With heavy hitters lining your screens, it can be refreshing to discover often-overlooked anime. Here are four to help you do just that.

"Hajime no Ippo"

"Hajime no Ippo" follows the story of Japanese boxer Makunouchi Ippo. Bullied in school for his awkward and introverted nature, he is often burdened with feelings of weakness and low-self esteem. This changes when he is attacked by fellow students and is saved by rising boxing star Mamoru Takamura. The strength displayed by Takamura sparks within Ippo the dream of being a professional boxer, which goes on to pursue. 

The show takes the audience on an emotional rollercoaster with Ippo through the euphoria of his victories and the agony of his losses as he fights to become the featherweight champion of Japan, and one day conquer the world stage. 

"Dr. Stone"

"Dr. Stone" sees genius scientist Senku Ishigami attempt to restore science and technology to society after a mysterious wave of energy turns all human life on earth to stone. The mix of comedy and action along with interesting bits of science along the way makes for an entertaining watch as Senku tries to reinstate the modern age. 

He isn't unopposed — he must contend with Tsukasa Shinshio, who wants the earth to remain primitive, believing the advancement of science and technology tainted the beauty of nature. Their clash of ideals sees the start of a war that becomes an ever-escalating adrenaline rush. 

"No Game No Life"

"No Game No Life" follows the adventures of Sora and his younger stepsister Shiro. The two are extremely reclusive and devote their lives to preserving their reputation as undefeated gamers. They are eventually challenged to a game of chess by the god of games. After winning, they are summoned by the god to Disboard, a world in which stealing, war and murder are forbidden and everything is decided with games. Sora and Shiro decide to put their pride on the line and embark into this world with the goal of conquering it. 

With a variety of different games and every conflict being an exhilarating display of strategy, "No Game No Life" is the anime manifestation of high-risk high reward.

"Akame ga Kill"

"Akame ga Kill" revolves around Tatsumi, a boy from a poor village, who is saved from death at the hands of a noble family by a legendary band of assassins known as Night Raid. The members of Night Raid all use Teigu, unique weapons created long ago from extremely rare materials. After joining them and learning how to use his own Teigu, Tatsumi helps Night Raid in their goal of overthrowing Prime Minister Honest because of his manipulation of the country's emperor for his personal gain. 

With battles for life or death occurring in almost every episode and the fate of an entire nation on the line, "Akame ga Kill" presents its watchers with a thrill ride through and through. 


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