The Daily Gamecock

Letter from the editor: We want to write what matters

Something they don’t tell you when you become editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper is that people you’ve never met will start recognizing your name. 

For many students, “Sydney Dunlap” sits buried along with a flood of other emails every Monday. But every once and awhile, I’ll introduce myself and see a glimmer of recognition pass across the person’s face. 

I’ve been sending mass emails to the student body for more than a semester now, but I still have trouble getting used to it. 

With so many things on my plate, it is easy to click “schedule” on Sunday night and move on to the next pressing matter. But when the occasional person matches my face with the tiny headshot in their email, it reminds me how many students look to The Daily Gamecock for campus news. 

I think a lot about how our organization can continue to create content that addresses issues that students and the Columbia community care about. Whether it's information about the newest campus dorms or the latest event, I want you to see an email from The Daily Gamecock and know that you can find something that matters to you. 

However, I also want that to be true for when you pick up one of our print editions around campus, which is why you may have noticed that our editions look a little different this year. 

Instead of making a themed print edition, we are starting a monthly news magazine full of the most relevant news. With this new edition, The Daily Gamecock has been able to refocus on our goal, telling stories that matter to students.  

So I encourage you to spend some time looking through this edition and reading everything you missed from this first month on campus. I hope that anytime you see my face — whether that’s in an email or above this letter — you can feel confident that you’ll walk away feeling more informed. 

And hey, maybe you’ll even recognize me on campus, and I’ll get to hear your thoughts. 

Forever to thee,

Sydney Dunlap


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