The Daily Gamecock

Letter from the editor: Leaving doesn't have to be sad

<p>The Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Gamecock, Sydney Dunlap, poses on her desk on Dec. 3, 2023, holding each print edition she worked on as editor-in-chief. Dunlap held this position for the spring and fall 2023 semesters.</p>
The Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Gamecock, Sydney Dunlap, poses on her desk on Dec. 3, 2023, holding each print edition she worked on as editor-in-chief. Dunlap held this position for the spring and fall 2023 semesters.

This is my last letter from the editor as the editor-in-chief of The Daily Gamecock.

Even as I type out this sentence, I have trouble believing it is real. 

For most editors, the end of their term coincides with their last year on campus, but after taking on this position as a second-year, I still have another three semesters as a USC student.

While this makes things less final in some ways, it makes it even harder to take a step back. I'll openly admit that this paper has been my life since I came to USC.

I've spent a ridiculous amount of time in the newsroom and have missed many hangouts to edit content or attend staff meetings instead. But The Daily Gamecock is more than just my life in terms of time.

This paper has given me the experience that has gotten me every job I've had during college. It's pushed me to define my goals for the future and has given me a group of friends I couldn't imagine living without.

This makes stepping away one of the hardest things I've ever done. Instead of applying for a second term, I decided to study in Washington, D.C., next semester, and while I'm incredibly excited for the future, I'm also terrified.

I can't imagine not starting my day reading through the editor-in-chief email. I can't imagine not spending every Sunday in the newsroom. I can't imagine not eating lunch in the newsroom or seeing my best friends at every staff meeting.

I often struggle with feeling like I haven't done enough, and leaving my position as editor-in-chief only intensifies this worry. I look back at my term and can often only see the things I didn't do, and it's hard to hand off the organization feeling like I still have something I need to accomplish.

But as the semester ends, I've learned that moving on is OK.

Let's look back proudly at our work in our clubs, classes and jobs this semester. But more importantly, I encourage you to join me in looking at the future with anticipation.

Amid my sadness about leaving The Daily Gamecock, I've also realized how excited I am for the next team. The next editor-in-chief, Kate Robins, will be able to do things I never could have and will achieve goals I never had on my list.

While I'm glad I had the opportunity to start my term as editor-in-chief, I'm also happy I have the chance to pass it on — especially since I'll still be around next year to see how it has grown.

With the time we have left, let's celebrate the past and look forward to our future.

Forever to Thee,

Sydney Dunlap

2023 Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Gamecock


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