The Daily Gamecock

Column: The Uncensored America event should not be taken seriously

On Wednesday, Uncensored America is presenting an event at USC that is intended to criticize current Vice President Kamala Harris. While it is acceptable to disagree with her political views, the tone of this event is disrespectful and does not reflect how political discourse should be conducted on a college campus.

As the upcoming election grows closer, political conversation is likely to intensify on campus. These conversations should be focused strictly on the candidates' policies and agenda rather than personal attacks. Events that prioritize mockery or personal degradation over constructive dialogue contribute to a hostile environment that discourages meaningful discussion. 

Such events do not deserve respect, as they do not promote the critical conversations that should shape the future of our democracy.

Here at USC, we are expected to follow the Carolinian Creed. The Creed is meant to remind us of the importance of civil discourse and embracing mutual respect, even for those we disagree with. As stated, "I will discourage bigotry, while striving to learn from differences in people, ideas and opinions."

The two men hosting this event, Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes (founder of the Proud Boys ), are known political instigators. Their past has shown them gathering lots of negative attention.

Yiannopoulos has visited several universities before, and his appearances have often been met with hostility. In 2017, prior to his scheduled visit to UC Berkeley, he generated so much anger among students that the administration had to release a statement addressing his upcoming appearance. In this statement, he was described as a “troll and provocateur.”

Mclnnes also does not have a good history with visiting universities. In 2017, he gave a speech at New York University, where he stated, "Violence doesn't feel good, justified violence feels great, and fighting solves everything.” That statement was said in response to a violent fight that broke out because of his presence that led to 11 arrests. 

Violence like this is not productive in politics, and even more so in an educational environment.

The University of South Carolina has students from all over the country bringing their differing views and beliefs to campus. Research shows that university students, including those at USC, are more likely to participate in political discussions. This time in college allows students to shape and develop their own political views. This can only be done properly when each side of these conversations are displayed factually and respectfully. 

Disrespecting political candidates shifts the focus from meaningful debate on policies to personal attacks and insults. An article published by Psychology Today stated that when people see or hear hostile remarks, they feel defensive and fearful, clouding their judgment. This environment of hostility makes it harder for either side to take away anything productive. 

This hostility makes political conversations uncomfortable, discouraging people from wanting to engage.

85% of Americans have stated that political debate has become less respectful in recent years found in a study conducted by Pew Research. The study also stated that Americans have been losing interest in having political conversations with their peers. 

When people feel uncomfortable, they become less inclined to participate in such discussion. However, these conversations are crucial for students to understand different perspectives that educate them on current politics.

Engaging in meaningful dialogue, especially with those who hold different opinions, is essential because democracy thrives when people are both willing and equipped to participate in informed discussions with others, the University of Virginia stated in an article.

This event is an example of hostile discussion. The title of this event included a vulgar misspelling of Harris' name which makes it clear that it is meant to be derogatory and deserves no respect, especially from women. 


Since when did disagreeing with someone warrant such disrespect?

The controversial pasts of both hosts and the way they marketed the event show that they are likely not going to be holding respectful criticism of current Vice President Kamala Harris, but they intend to mockingly degrade her. While they have the right to be able to hold this space here, students also have the right to choose not to engage, especially when the commentary is seen as disrespectful toward an individual.

When students allow mockery to overshadow meaningful dialogue, they contribute to a toxic atmosphere that restricts learning and constructive debate. It is the responsibility of the campus community to ensure that discussions raising attention are those that promote respect and integrity.

It is essential the community fosters an environment where meaningful conversations can thrive, preparing students for a more informed and engaged role in civic life. 
