The Daily Gamecock

'Maintaining momentum': President Amiridis addresses state of the university

<p>President Michael Amiridis delivers his State of the University Address in the Russell House Ballroom on Sept. 11, 2024. Faculty, students and staff gathered in the ballroom to hear Amirdis reflect on the universities accomplishments.</p>
President Michael Amiridis delivers his State of the University Address in the Russell House Ballroom on Sept. 11, 2024. Faculty, students and staff gathered in the ballroom to hear Amirdis reflect on the universities accomplishments.

President Michael Amiridis gave his state of the university address Wednesday morning discussing advancements of the university over the past year. 

He discussed the approved master plan, advancements in research and overall growth with the theme of "Momentum at USC."

"During the past year, we have invested our energy in taking up momentum to even higher levels," Amiridis said. "And this morning, I will remind you of some of our many accomplishments from the past year and will also look ahead to where we go next."

Amiridis addressed the new approved university master plan, discussing the plans already in the works and ones to come. 

"(The masterplan) includes a far reaching and ambitious set of projects. It is filled with big ideas, that they are aspirational and that aim to address a dynamic future over the next 10 years, align with our strategic priorities and the needs of our community,"  Amiridis said.

Projects, such as the renovation of Thomas Cooper library to add more study areas, are intended to better meet students needs. Amiridis also brought up the expansion of dining as a part of the first step towards a new student union. 

More details concerning the Russell House expansion project will be coming in the next few months, said Jeff Stensland, university spokesperson. 

Many of the projects in the masterplan discuss accommodating the growth of the university. Amiridis said that in the midst of institutions nationwide facing challenges in enrollment, public trust and financing, USC is thriving. 

"Our strengths are evident across the board, in student application and enrollment, in research, in legislative and donor support and in our $7.4 billion impact across the entire state," Amiridis said.

Amiridis said the university received 52,000 applications this year, and after recovering from the pandemic, enrollment may exceed 40,000 students within the next few years The high numbers of enrollment are a reflection of the confidence students and their families have in USC, he said. 

Amiridis said the retention rate of students who come back for the second year has increased from 91% to 92%. He praised the office of the provost for making improvements to advising and addressing financial challenges that students may face. 

Automatic admission for students who are in the top 10% of their high school class in South Carolina was announced last year and implemented this year. They also launched a USC commitment grant again for South Carolina students that guarantees that USC will cover tuition and academic fees for the top 10% students whose family's income is below $80,000, he said

"This is part of our ongoing commitment to access and affordability for all South Carolinians. At the same time, we're continuing our efforts to minimize the cost of college education for in state students," he said.

President Michael Amiridis smiled at the camera and Student Body President Patton Byars shook with another person before the State of the Univerisity in Russell House Ballroom.

President Michael Amiridis and Student Body President Patton Byars shaking hands and talking with people before the State of the Univerisity in the Russell House Ballroom on Sept. 11, 2024. President Michael Amiridis and Student Body President Patton Byars both spoke during the State of the University.

And because of general assembly funding, USC has been able to freeze in-state tuition for the sixth year in a row, Amiridis said

Amiridis also talked about achievements of students and faculty, as well as academic achievements concerning large donations to two programs on campus.

"Last November, we had a great celebration for the naming of the Joseph F. Rice School of Law, following a $30 million gift to the law school, and in June of this year, we announced the naming of the Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing, recognizing another $30 million gift," Amiridis said. "Together, these two gifts have given me the unusual opportunity to observe that we doubled the number of our named colleges in one year."

Funding for research hit its record high this year, reaching $309 million in sponsored awards

"These awards reflect the quality and hard work of our faculty and their great stride in critical areas such as health, cutting edge technologies and energy innovation," Amiridis said

He mentioned many specific achievements in research and innovation including SC Nexus, Brain Health Hub and a $3.5 million project focusing on Fragile X syndrome, led by professor of Public Health Abigail Hogan

Amiridis also mentioned smaller achievements around campus, including projects they are working on around campus that they were inspired from his Imagine Carolina event the university held when Amiridis started at the university. 

USC just implemented "Park USC," a new parking app that helps users to locate available parking spaces in campus

They are also making improvements to advisement and now fully implemented a four-year advising model to all of the colleges and schools at USC .

Overall, Amiridis said the university is headed in a good direction. 

"Whenever I'm asked about the University of South Carolina, you will hear me saying that I'm confident we are moving forward to a stronger future, and we are increasing our forward momentum with purpose driven energy," Amiridis said.

Correction: A previous version of this story misidentified the donation to the Joseph F. Rice School of Law. This article has been updated to reflect the correct amount.
