RHA votes to install new water fountains
By Natalie Pita | Feb. 25, 2014The Residence Hall Association voted on Tuesday to use a total of $9,306.04 from its renovations fund to make improvements to seven residence halls.
The Residence Hall Association voted on Tuesday to use a total of $9,306.04 from its renovations fund to make improvements to seven residence halls.
Seven senior-level positions in USC’s administration have been merged into four in an attempt to increase efficiency, USC President Harris Pastides announced at a Friday board of trustees meeting.
One look at the throng of runners that crowded the starting line at the Polar Run Saturday revealed that the race was a little out of the ordinary.
Members of the house of delegates were taken by surprise when they discovered their newly written codes had been altered by someone in the student senate before the senate passed the legislation.
February marks Heart Health Awareness month, and USC first lady Patricia Moore-Pastides and Jeannette Andrews, the dean of the College of Nursing, marked it Thursday at the second annual Heart of Carolina event.
Debbie Garris was known for her many scarves, creative earrings and smile. A longtime presence in the journalism school, she died unexpectedly Feb. 14. She was 62.
After the results were announced and the cheers had died down, Lindsay Richardson said that what she was most looking forward to was getting a full night’s sleep Wednesday night.
Lonnie Randolph Jr., South Carolina NAACP president, said he believes in equality and justice.
As students hurriedly squirted colored icing and carefully placed rainbow sprinkles on oversized cupcakes, the clock was ticking and the battle was on.
At the age of 12, Rep. James Clyburn was the president of his NAACP youth chapter. Now, Clyburn is the assistant Democratic leader in the 113th Congress.
Two dogs ran up to Donnie Iorio as he walked down the Horseshoe. He bent down to give them each a scratch behind the ears.
If Lindsay Richardson had followed her plans from senior year in high school, she wouldn’t be running for student body president right now.
David Leggett likes being in the background. So, when a friend of his approached him about running for student body vice president over winter break, Leggett “completely blew him off.”
Chris Sumpter walks over to a trough, carrying a bag of cow feed. Two calves follow him, their eyes on the bag all the way. He pours the feed into the trough and coos to the calves as they dig in.
Ryan Harman has been walking through campus for about 20 minutes, talking about Chinese takeout and season two of House of Cards, when he pivots to his campaign.
The walls of Jameson Broggi’s Horseshoe apartment are covered with moments from early American history.
Thinking about the driving force behind her campaign for student body treasurer, Natalie Hageman summed up her greatest passion: “to give back.”