The Daily Gamecock


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USC's community service worth $9.6 million

Students, faculty and staff contributed more than $9.6 million in time and money to service during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the USC Community Service Report. Last year there were 23,194 volunteers who committed to a total of 502,334 service hours. There was also $978,736 in monetary donations creating a total estimated economic impact of $9,618,880.80.

3 partisan groups 'clash' at college debate

Democratic, Libertarian and Republican student groups gathered together Tuesday night for the first Carolina Clash, a political debate between the three viewpoints. The debate covered an array of issues including foreign policy, the economy, student loans, gun control, gay marriage, abortion, health care and privacy rights.

Students show up, shout for 'Rocky Horror'

Halloween was off to an early start in the Russell House Theater on Wednesday night as students came to see a special showing of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” Red boas, black-rimmed glasses, and red lipstick were seen among the crowd of students who decided to dress up for the event.

Inflame performance blends music, culture

When performers padded barefoot into the School of Music Recital Hall Wednesday night, it was clear the audience was in for a one-of-a-kind concert. The unique event was a musical performance by Inflame, a renowned world music band.

Prince, princess talk Homecoming

This year’s Homecoming court was crowned Tuesday night at the annual Homecoming Showcase. The Daily Gamecock sat down with Homecoming Princess Catherine Davenport and Homecoming Prince Thomas Landzert to talk USC, Homecoming and school spirit.

Cockfest hits Greene Street

Hundreds of students gathered on Greene Street Wednesday night for a cornhole tournament, free food and a concert by local artists. The event was headlined by 76 and Sunny, Atlas Road Crew and Stoplight Observations.

Kids trick-or-treat with Greeks

Iron Man, Belle and even a headless woman turned out for the ninth annual Trick-or-Treat with the Greeks in Greek Village Wednesday night. Twenty-six sororities and fraternities participated in the event, passing out candy and playing games with the pint-sized superheroes, princesses and spooky characters.

Finance codes, allocations pass senate

After an overhaul of senate finance codes was passed unanimously Wednesday night, Senate Finance Committee Chair Ashley Farr resigned from her post, citing personal issues she must now put first. Farr’s resignation leaves four open seats in student senate, which was full for only two weeks so far this term.

CreateAthon provides free marketing services to nonprofits

Associate professor Karen Mallia’s Creative Leadership class hosted USC’s annual CreateAthon on Friday and Saturday. During the 24-hour event, students created marketing and communications campaigns for six nonprofit organizations in the Columbia area.