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Sonic helps raise money

Alpha Chi Omega will work at the Sonic on Assembly Street tonight in an effort to raise money for Leigh Rossi, a freshman in the sorority who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma last semester. Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 1 a.m., when the late-night Sonic rush ensues, the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega will be car-hopping in shifts of 10 to 15 girls with tip buckets asking for donations to help fund Rossi’s cancer treatment. Others will be holding signs in front of the restaurant encouraging drivers to stop in for some onion rings and a burger to help raise money. All Tips plus 10 percent of all purchases will go toward Rossi’s treatment. Rossi, a first-year business student, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma on Dec. 1, just after her return from Thanksgiving break. She moved back to her home in Virginia where she underwent seven weeks of inpatient chemotherapy treatment, with two weeks of outpatient treatment in between the chemotherapy. Last Friday, April 16, doctors informed Rossi that a biopsy of the tumor revealed she is cancer free. “I’m so thankful that I have such great sisters who are going out of their way to do these fundraisers for me,” Rossi said. Ashley Brown, a first-year broadcast journalism student, collaborated for the fundraiser with close family member and marketing partner for Sonic, Sutton Shaw. “When Leigh was diagnosed, we knew it would be the perfect thing to do to help her out. It hit so close to home for all of us with it happening to a sister,” Brown said. Shaw was eager to host a fundraiser for Rossi after her own father died from cancer six months ago. “It’s a perfect match for us,” Shaw said. “Sonic isn’t just a restaurant on Assembly. We see ourselves as an important part of the college experience and it’s important for us to give back to the students.” Alpha Chi Omega has held several other fundraising events for Rossi, including the silent auction and band party that were held last week at Jillian’s in The Vista. Joli Joson, a second-year business marketing student and fundraising chair for Alpha Chi Omega, encourages everyone to satisfy their late night cravings after Five Points and head to Sonic. “I’m so proud to call Leigh my little. She’s been so strong going through all of this,” Joson said. “I can’t wait to have her back here.”

SG sweeps through revisions

Student Government passed sweeping and historic revisions to its Constitution Wednesday night, paving the way for graduate students to have much greater representation in the organization. The legislation passed with more than 90 percent of the vote, much more than the two-thirds needed for any constitutional change. Should the student body support the revisions in a special referendum vote in the fall, the changes will go into effect in March 2011. “This is huge,” Graduate Student Association President Alan Tauber said. “It validates our place as full students of the university, and it allows us to productively work towards the solution of graduate student issues.” The bill creates a bicameral student government, with two separate branches dealing with issues pertaining to undergraduate and graduate students, respectively. Both branches have their own vice presidents and treasurers. The student body president can be either a graduate or undergraduate student. The changes to the constitution have been in the works since December 2008. Then GSA President Reed Curtis scheduled a meeting with Sen. Ben Bullock and then-Student Body Vice President Meredith Ross with a long list of grievances and saying the organization would like to completely split from SG.

We the Kings

Fresh off her first final, singer/songwriter Haley Dreis opened to 275 students for We the Kings in the Russell House Ballroom Wednesday night. Dreis’s band booked the gig as a prize for winning USC’s Battle of the Bands last year.