Column: Eat smart, not clean
By Grace Batton | April 16, 2016While many rally behind the new fad of "eating clean," a more realistic approach involves being flexible and simply thinking before you eat.
While many rally behind the new fad of "eating clean," a more realistic approach involves being flexible and simply thinking before you eat.
Many people have argued that religion is a mostly negative force in the world today. But it isn't religion that is negative, historically — it's politicized religion.
Spending will hurt us eventually, but we're getting crushed right now.
Sex education in America is fractured by state, and, here in South Carolina, it is wildly inadequate.
Bernie Sanders' plans for expanded government spending highlight how willing Democrats are to leave future generations with the financial consequences of today's problems.
Dear Christians: You're not oppressed. Get over it.
Third parties should be included in debates to provide more diverse choices for American voters.
Legislators in North Carolina are doing exactly what we elected them to do: Listening to the people.
Modern governments should acknowledge past tragedies.
In a disturbing trend, freedom of religion in America is being diluted into mere freedom of worship.
There are clear steps that could make campus dining tastier and healthier.
The topic of resuming diplomatic and economic relations with Cuba has been a big issue in the current presidential race.
The political system is rigged in favor of large donors.
This week's Wisconsin primary, along with the New York primary, are major contests for the 2016 primary campaigns. If Cruz and Sanders are to beat the current party front-runners, they will need major victories.
In celebration of Earth Day, Americans should try some alternatives to eating meat.
We don't need to argue about when or where to have Democratic debates. We can just skip them entirely.